Holland Hardcore D-beat Punk Attack  since 1980







OUT NOW: RAW/RARE 1982-1988

RAW/RARE 1982-1998: LP + CD + EP + OBI + Booklet: €25; send us a message to order.

MACHT KAPUTT WASS EUCH KAPUTT MACHT / MACHT KAPUTT DIE MACHT.  NEW TSHIRTS: €15. Postage NL: €5 / Europe: €7,50 / GB €9 / US €11. SIZES S / M / L / XL / XXL. Send us a message.

OUT NOW!                 The Nazi-Frei EP

Hailing from Holland, founded in 1981 by bassplayer Marcel and arguably one of the best bands from the golden age of European HC Punk, an age roughly between 1984-1990.


Known for their brutal Dbeat style with awesome (distorded bass) playing yet relative accomplished overall musicianship and songwriting, a not so common trait in the genre.


Toured the continent and the UK in the eighties extensively and did a couple of Vinyl releases back than from which the 2012 (US) Havoc records  ‘Right is Might’  rerelease got the most raving worldwide reviews and acclaim.


Set to be released on the famous US  Pusmort records back in 1986 Pushead, labelowner and friend of Metallicas, and soon to be  recordsleeve designer, told them “the Guys from Metallica were over at my house and  they really liked your record”

…as did everybody else worldwide.


To this day the record has been branded “insterstellar”, amongst others, and “impossible to do again”


This release spawned the  underground ‘hit ‘song (in German) “(Wir) sind die Ratten vom Müll’ which featured in a propaganda clip for the German punk (mock) political party ‘Die Anarchistiche Pogo Partei Deutschland (APPD)’ which was aired regularly nationwide in the nineties.


Originally a four piece band the band resurfaced for an Amsterdam Paradiso gig and Dutch Punk Sampler in 2013 as a three piece with original founding members and ‘artistic’ core Marcel and Ed on bass, guitar and vocals, completed with Ares on drums.


Sparked by the sheer new energy the band is gigging regularly, caracterised as an energetic version of the eighties mark and is set to release a new record beginning of 2018.


According to US fanzine Maximum RocknRoll (MRR) which reviewed the 2009 rerelease of the ‘Macht Kaputt” LP with this conclusion:


“ ..if you are buying only one reissue this year, than this is the one to get”


and concluded their MRR review of the 2012  ‘Right is Might’ rerelease on Havoc records (US) with this:


“I seriously can’t listen tot his sitting down…- I have to get up and move around!

 This is mandatory for fans of hardcore punk!”




Neuroot in 1998 APPD German national election promo spot

Classic studio recording 1985

Latest Live recording 2018

Neuroot live, ¡No Pasaran! at the Revolver club Taipei(TW) april 2019

Classic Live recording 1987

Oorspronkelijk is Neuroot in 1981 opgericht door bassist Marcel op zijn tiener zolderkamer in Doesburg NL.


Na een aantal klassieke en internationaal geroemde releases zoals de LP Macht Kaputt wass Euch kaputt macht (1982); en de legendarische LP ‘Right is Might’ (1985) maakte men in 1988 tenslotte de LP Plead Insanity op het Hageland Hardore label van Werner Excelmans (B).

Na de begeleidende tour in de UK ging de band uit elkaar .


Neuroot anno 2017 is een opvallend energieke afspiegeling van de band die in de 80 er jaren van zich deed spreken op de Europese podia.


Hun Right is Might EP / LP geldt tot op de dag van vandaag als één van de beste Hardcore Punk klassiekers uit de golden age of Euro Hardcore Punk. De recensie in de Maximum Rock & Roll (MRR) in 2012 van de re-release hiervan op het Havoc label (USA) :

"...I seriously can't listen to this sitting down.. - I have to get up and move around! This is mandatory for fans of hardcore Punk!".


De bekendste track van deze LP (Wir sind) Die Ratten vom Müll’ werd een gigantische culthit in Duitsland in 1998 toen deze werd gebruikt in de soundtrack van de Anarchistische Pogo Partei Deutschland (APPD), een ‘Politieke ‘Punk Partij die meedeed aan de landelijke verkiezingen en hiervoor ook landelijke TV zendtijd 'voor politieke partijen'kreeg.


Oerleden  Marcel op bas en zang en Ed op gitaar en leadzang worden anno nu gecomplementeerd door powerhouse Ares op drums.


De waarde van NEUROOT wordt kort samengevat door (weer) de MRR, die in 2009 schreef over de heruitgave van hun legendarische  ‘Macht Kaputt..” LP:  “If you are buying only one re-issue this year, than this is the one to get!”

